on TTU Building Model GU Ming 1,Y ANG Wei 2,HU ANG Peng 1,LUO Pan 1 (1.State Key Laboratory for Disaster R edu ction in Civil Engineering ,Shanghai 200092,China ;2.In stitute for Bu ilding S tructure ,China Acad emy of Building Res earch ,Beij ing 100013,China )Abstract :The w...
BuildingbyGridSizeAyinNear—WallRegion YUZhixiang,YANYanjun。 (1.SchoolofCivilEngineering,SouthwestJiaotongUniversity,Chengdu610031,P.R.China 2.CollegeofCivilEngineering,TonNiUniversity,Shanghai200092,P.R.China) Abstract:Inordertoimprovetheaccuracyofsimulationinwhichk-s ...
of Civil Eng., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USAEleventh International Conference on Wind Engineering: Conference Preprints - Vol.1 Jun 2-5, 2003 Lubbock, TexasEndo, M., Bienkiewicz, B., Ham, H. J. 2003. Wind-tunnel investigation of point pressure on TTU...
(1. Building Engineering Dept. of civil Engineering College, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China) Abstract: Based on various turbulence models, i.e. standard k − ε model ...