We examined 52 preterm children, 15 of which were born after a single pregnancy and 42 after a multiple pregnancy. 23 children came from a pregnancy complicated by TTTS. The average age of the subjects was 32.5 months (SD=5.54). The research methods used in our study were as follows: ...
Help After Pregnancy NICU Special Needs Loss of One Loss of All Support Groups Prayer Request About For Matthew and Steven: A Promise Kept Daisy Babies Mission, Philosophy and History Programs History of TTTS Board of Directors Medical Advisory Board ...
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a rare condition that occurs only in identical twins while they are in the womb. This animation explains the syndrome and how it is corrected. Recommended videos 1:00 Ubrelvy: Uses, How it Works & Common Side Effects ...
『种族』 有链接,请点按后查看附表 * 回原件面请按蓝色箭头 * 多胎妊娠 Multiple Pregnancy 一次妊娠宫腔内同时有两个或两个以上胎儿 其中以双胎妊娠最多见 定 义 多胎妊娠 multiple pregnancy : 分类及特点 单卵双胎 monozygotic twins 双卵双胎 dizygotic twins 单卵双胎 monozygotic twins 定义:由一个受精卵...
Spotting the differences in the first trimester of pregnancy in MZ twins: the issue of aneuploidies and TTTS screeningThe different aspects and specific technicalities of screening and diagnosis of aneuplodies in monozygotic twins are discussed in this chapter, from maternal age to non invasive ...
5.Color-dye injection of monochorionic placentas and correlation with pregnancy complications[J].Ratti;Martina;Schena;Vito;Rustico;Maria Angela;Ferrazzi;Enrico;Consonni;Dario;Faiola;Stefano;Lanna;Mariano Matteo,Placenta.2015,第10期 6.Correlation between veno-venous anastomoses, TT...
The paper presents current views and recommendations for pregnancy complicated by TTTS. The symptoms that should attract our attention during the first-trimester ultrasound, i.e. CRL asymmetry NT > 95th percentile, or 20% or more of the NT difference between the fetuses, absent or reversed A ...
Quantification of Feto-fetal Transfusion Rate through a Single Placental Arterio-venous Anastomosis in a Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is due to unbalanced inter-twin blood flow through placental vascular anastomoses. We present a TTTS-case treated ... E Lo...
TTTSamnioreductionfetoscopic laser coagulationvascular anastomosesTwin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a severe complication of multiple pregnancy occurring in 10鈥 12% of monochorionic twins. This complication is mainly due to the presence of unbalanced arterio-venous anastomoses between ...
PREGNANCY -- ComplicationsOBSTETRICSThis paper is a review of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). The incidence of fetal or neonatal death and preterm delivery in monochorionic twin pregnancies is substantially higher than in dichorionic twin ...