Not only does the understanding of the monochorionic placenta lead to an understanding of the pathophysiology of the complications of monochorionic twins, but it also has led to the development of highly effective directed fetal therapy via fetoscopic laser coagulation used in twin-to-twin ...
If you are pregnant with monochorionic“at risk” twins or diagnosed with TTTS, including TAPS, SIUGR and TAPS – this action plan can help calm you and empower you to get the best care for your babies. Get Started read the 15 MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONSTO ASK YOUR DOCTOR ...
)【摘要】 单绒毛膜双胎胎儿及新生儿病死率明显高于双绒毛膜双胎,单绒毛膜双胎的胎盘几乎都存在两胎儿之间的血管吻合,当通过吻合血管的血液交换失衡就易导致特殊的严重并发症。双胎输血综合征(twin to twintransfusionsyndrome,TTTS)和双胎贫血 多血序列征(twinanemia ...
In this thesis we describe that Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS) is a form of chronic feto-fetal transfusion in monochorionic (identical) twins based on a small amount of blood transfusion through very small anastomoses. For the ... F Slaghekke 被引量: 28发表: 2014年 Twin-to-Twin...
Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: experience from a single institution. Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is the most common serious complication of monochorionic (MC) twin pregnancies, with perinatal mortality rates of ... E Thia,S Thain,GSH Yeo - ...
14 of them were dichorionic and 4 cases were monochorionic, all cases were triamniotic. Laser therapy was performed at a median gestational age of 19.6 weeks (range 18–22). The median amniotic fluid drained after the laser procedure was 2200 ml. Delivery by cesarean section took place at ...
MonochorionicDiamnioticLaserPolyhydramniosOligohydramniosFetal growth restrictionIntrauterine growth restrictionFluid discordanceFluid discrepancyTwin to twin transfusion syndromeAbnormal amniotic fluid increases risk of TTTS, fetal therapy, IUFD, and maternal admission.Oligo or poly in one twin requires follow...
monochorionic twinTTTSfetoscopic laser surgeryprenatal RVOTACHDRight ventricular outflow tract anomalies (RVOTAs), such as pulmonary stenosis (PS), pulmonary atresia (PA), and pulmonary insufficiency (PI), are typical cardiac anomalies in monochorionic twins, and they are complicated ...
P19.06: Increased intertwin discrepancy in cerebroplacental ratio (CPR‐Δ) is predictive of earlier age at delivery in monochorionic–diamniotic (MCDA) twins Objectives: To investigate the role of CPRfor the prediction of gestational age (GA) of delivery in MCDA pregnancies. Methods: This was ...
TTTSamnioreductionfetoscopic laser coagulationvascular anastomosesTwin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a severe complication of multiple pregnancy occurring in 10鈥 12% of monochorionic twins. This complication is mainly due to the presence of unbalanced arterio-venous anastomoses between ...