The workshop emphasized mentorship themes, such as the "Buddy Clock" activity, which highlighted the importance of diverse teamwork. It provided theoretical knowledge and encouraged the sharing of practical solutions to overcome exhibition challenges....
课程导师 本次MJP CNDS培训讲师(预备班)的导师均来自MJP 一线执教导师,拥有丰富的青训理论和实操技能。 詹欢勋 北京体育大学 运动人体科学硕士 认证证书: NSCA-CSCS EXOS Mentorship 2 MBSC CFSC 2 级 MJP 美国总部实习结业证书MJP 体系系列认证 FMS 高级认证 ACSM-CASM CPT 导师 工作经验: 国家短道速滑队体能教...
The train-the-trainer mentorship ensures the linkage between personal transformation and personal effectiveness in your workplace over time. Facilitators are taught techniques on how to adapt and customize PEAK for specific organizations linking personal transformation to corporate goals. ...