TTT is short for the English phrase “training the trainer to train”, meaning training trainer. It is a professional skill and occupational quality training course of professional trainer and internal trainer of enterprise in the field of enterprise management training in general. Sometimes, it st...
Written information may have little meaning until it is heard.听觉型学习者通过听到的语音语调、语速和其他细微差别来解读说话者的意思,书面的信息没有听到那么印象深刻。Audit 42、ory LearnerAuditory Learner听觉型学习者听觉型学习者They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through ...
Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances. Written information may have little meaning until it is heard. 听觉型学习者通过听到的语音语调、语速和其他细微差别来解读说话...
Starting from the meaning of enterprise training, it emphasizes the importance of training to enterprises and individuals. Training should be based on enterprise development, focusing on individual level of skills and value recognition, in order to form a continuous and effective training operation for...
按照学习者对外部信息的感知方式划分,共有三种倾向:听觉型(auditorylearner)视觉型(visuallearner)动觉型(kinesthetic/tactilelearner)Doyouknow yourself?Auditorylearner Youlearnbyhearingandlistening.Youunderstandandrememberthingsyouhaveheard.Youoftenlearnbyreadingoutloudbecauseyouhavetohearitorspeakitinordertoknowit....
As --token_abstraction is a place-holder, before training we insert the new tokens in place of TOK and optimize them (meaning "a photo of TOK" becomes "a photo of <s0><s1>" during training, where <s0><s1> are the new tokens). Hence, it's also crucial that tok...
As --token_abstraction is a place-holder, before training we insert the new tokens in place of TOK and optimize them (meaning "a photo of TOK" becomes "a photo of <s0><s1>" during training, where <s0><s1> are the new tokens). Hence, it's also crucial that token...
Probably you’ve accidentally hit ENTER or something, and that can’t possibly affect the meaning of a word, why do you even ask that? Well, if the translation system in question based on statistical natural language processing and neural network algorithms such as deep learning, then things ...
Like a dream, I put myself in a story or article as if I were really there. I first make sure I read the whole story slowly, to make sure I don't read over things and confuse myself. Then, I go back throughout the story and define any words I don't know the meaning of. ...
Open Document The baseline data was established using the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (BAS). This test assesses reading comprehension through the process of students reading a text at the appropriate instructional reading level and answering comprehension questions. This assessment tool ...