这段代码将使用 Text-to-Speech 引擎生成 “Hello World!” 文本的语音,并将其保存为名为 “audio.mp3” 的文件。在 Android 5.0 及更高版本中,使用 synthesizeToFile() 方法将文本转换为语音,并指定要保存的文件名和位置。在 Android 4.4 及更低版本中,使用 synthesizeToFile() 方法,并传递一个包含 KEY_PA...
>>Text To Speech Download MP3Version 3.0 - v4.0 * Text To Speech Dialogue. TTS Dialogue TTS Dialogue allows you to quickly select different voices and to combine her among them to create dialogues among more voices.Suitable for creating conversations between two or more characters with TTS voice...
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Listen to ANY textual content with this AI Text To Speech Reader. Type or upload any text, file, website & book for listening online, proofreading, reading-along or generating professional mp3 voice-overs.
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Multiple voices from different nationalities. Easy to use interface. Paste text and it will speak. Can create mp3 files. Jai ttsreader for Android Great app. Can handle long texts, something other apps can’t. Highly recommended! Yana
MP3 Download File Storage Choose Plan Commercial Pack $99/ monthly For Commercial use: Youtube, broadcasts, TV, IVR voiceover and other businesses 1.000.000 characters 225+ Premium Voices available 25 Languages Advanced voice editor Mp3, Wav Download Audio files history Redistribute audio files You...
{model="tts-1",input,voice="zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural",response_format="mp3",speed=1.0,pitch=1.0,style="general"}=requestBody;// 添加语音名称映射voice=VOICE_MAPPING[voice]||voice;// 如果存在映射则替换,否则保持原值constrate=((speed-1)*100).toFixed(0);constnumPitch=((pitch-1)*100).to...
Downloads 1.1M+ Category Android Apps Genre Comics APKVersion History v8.0.02 variantsView v7.0.23 variantsView v7.0.12 variantsView v7.0.02 variantsView v6.0.81 variantView Introducing the Translator Woman's Voice app, an amazing tool for converting text to MP3 audio with ease and speed....