The following is an internal schematic of a TTL logic gate. Based on your analysis of the transistor circuit, determine what type of gate (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, etc.) it is: Hint: the double-emittertransistoris being used as a pair of diodes, and not as an amplifying device!
A TTL NAND gate can be made by taking a TTL inverter circuit and adding another input. An AND gate may be created by adding an inverter stage to the output of the NAND gate circuit. RELATED WORKSHEET: TTL Logic Gates Worksheet Lessons in Electric Circuits ...
exclusive-OR,compare,AND,NAND,OR,NOR,plus tenotherlogicoperations sFulllookaheadforhighspeedarithmeticoperationon longwords OrderingCode: LogicSymbols ActiveHighOperands ActiveLowOperands V CC =Pin24 GND=Pin12 ConnectionDiagram PinDescriptions OrderNumberPackageNumberPackageDescription DM74LS181NN24A24-LeadPlas...
decoding by the NAND gates. Full decoding of BCD inputlogic ensures that all outputs remain OFF for all invalid(10–15) binary input conditions. These decoders featurehigh-performance, NPN output transistors designed for useas indicator/relay drivers, or as open-collector logic-circuitdrivers. ...
[ 0.578]NAND: NAND_UbootInit NAND_UbootInit start NB1 : enter NAND_LogicInit uboot:nand ...
TTL电平是什么? "TTL集成电路的全名是晶体管-晶体管逻辑集成电路(Transistor-Transistor Logic),主要有54/74系列标准TTL、高速型TTL(H-TTL)、低功耗型TTL(L-TTL)、肖特基型TTL(S-TTL)、低功耗肖特基型TTL(LS-TTL)五个系列。 2023-03-02 09:15:18 ...
DIODES/美台 集成电路、处理器、微控制器 74AHCT1G125SE-7 缓冲器和线路驱动器 AHC TTL Compatible LOGIC74AHCT1G125SE-7 5008 DIODES/美台 -- ¥1.0000元>=100 个 承泽电子(北京)有限公司 2年 查看下载 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 ATTL7591AS-TR LUCENT 原包装 2022+ IC 集成电路 ...
InTTLNAND circuit, a phase inverter with its output circuit changed to an open collector. 在TTL“与非”门电路中, 输出级改用集电极开路的一种反相器. 互联网 Bipolar or conventional transistors are used in manufacturing transistor - transistor logic (TTL) and emitter - coupled logic ( ECL ) devic...
8-Input NAND Gate General Description This device contains a single gate which performs the logic NAND function Y Alternate Military Aerospace device(5430)is available Contact a National Semiconductor Sales Office Distrib- utor for specifications Connection Diagram Dual-In-Line Package TL F 6510–1 O...
According to the principle circuit of TTL NAND Gate, setting component parameters and the simulation of PSPICE 10.5 software, The circuit is fit for the NAND logic operation. , Keywords: TTL integrated circuit, BJT, TTL NAND Gate, PSPICE 10.5. 1引言1.1选题及其意义集成电路输入级和输出级全采用...