The Trade Desk(TTD) has recently been on's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future. Over the past month, shares of this digital-advertising platform operator...
The internet services company's consensus earnings per share forecast from the 9 analysts that follow the stock is $0.38. This value represents a 100.00% increase compared to the same quarter last year. Zacks Investment Research reports that the 2024 Price to Earnings ra...
The Trade Desk, Inc. Class A Common Stock (TTD) P/E & PEG Ratios Price/Earnings Ratio Forecast P/E Growth Rates 本益成长比 投资者始终寻求增长前景好且价格诱人的公司。为识别此类股票,通常使用的统计数据是本益成长比——即市盈率除以增长率。此时我们会使用未来 12 个月的预测增长率(基于专业...