项目打包时,会对resources目录下的字体文件进行压缩,项目部署后,又会对字体文件进行解压,导致字体文件发生变化,进而损坏字体文件,因此报错 simsun.ttc is not a valid TTF file <build> <resources> <resource> <directory>src/main/resources/</directory> <filtering>true</filtering> <includes> <include>**/*...
spring boot Linux DocumentException: /fonts/simsun.ttf is not a valid TTF or ## Spring Boot Linux DocumentException: /fonts/simsun.ttf is not a valid TTF file When working with Spring Boot applications on Linux, you may encounter a "DocumentException: /fonts/simsun.ttf is not sed ide xml...
The key thing to remember is NOT to hard code the location of PingFang or any other font in your code. Please use CoreText APIs to locate them. If you are dependent on a library that is not doing the right thing, please file a Feedback Assistant report with details about the library....
Sejda application cannot find font Century Gothic I can see the Century Gothic font in the Fonts directory and Word has no problem using the font. The only thing I notice is that that font does not have an extension of .ttf like some of the others. This is only one of the fonts the ...
version 7.4 I get the chinese font of 【simsun.ttc】to the 【/usr/share/fonts/】,and I fond that the operation of italics is unavailable for the 【simsun.ttc】! I test version 7.3.3 ,actually ,this problem have bean found!Member DenisDeeSign commented Jun 16, 2023 Moving this issue ...
在生成PDF使用windows自带字体雅黑的时候不停的报“Font 'C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\msyh.ttc' with 'Identity-H' is not recognized”的错误 解决方案 将 static BaseFont yaHei = B
·Why Can Not Find My Installed Fonts in Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDRAW and other software? ·How to Solve the Tip Reads "Can not Install font.ttf file, 'C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\font.ttf' is not valid"? ·How to Solve the Compatibility Problem of Different Names in Different OS? ·Why Does...
layui 报错 jQuery is not defined 2019-12-23 14:00 −Layui hint: jstree is not a valid module,layui 报错 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined layui 扩展外部模块 jstree 报此错误 查找原因发现,jquery 已经引入进来,但是 jstr... ...
Font Download: You can download more free fonts aftersign in, pleasesign into download the font! The 楷体 Regular download service (free or paid) provided by FontKe is only for personal trial and shall not be used for any commercial purpose. ...
Font Style: Unknown Font Version:9.0d4e1 Source: Official Display all Font Download: You can download more free fonts aftersign in, pleasesign into download the font! The Sukhumvit Set Text download service (free or paid) provided by FontKe is only for personal trial and shall not be used...