abbreviation for 1.teetotal 2.teetotaller 3.(Banking & Finance) telegraphic transfer: a method of sending money abroad by cabled transfer between banks 4.(Individual Sports, other than specified) Tourist Trophy (annual motorcycle races held in the Isle of Man) ...
An abbreviation that defines a broad range of people. Here's an explanation of what each letter in the acronym means: Lesbian - A woman who is primarily attracted to other women. Gay - A person who is attracted primarily to members of the same sex. Although it can be used for any sex...
165° to 180° peel angle VISHAY SEMICONDUCTOR GmbH STANDARD BAR CODE PRODUCT LABEL (finished goods) PLAIN WRITTING Item-description Item-number Selection-code ABBREVIATION LENGTH - 18 INO 8 SEL 3 BATCH 10 Data-code COD 3 (YWW) Plant-code PTC 2 Quantity QTY 8 Accepted by ACC - Packed by...
VISHAY SEMICONDUCTOR GmbH STANDARD BAR CODE PRODUCT LABEL (finished goods) PLAIN WRITING Item-description ABBREVIATION LENGTH - 18 Item-number INO 8 Selection-code SEL 3 LOT-/serial-number BATCH 10 COD 3 (YWW) Plant-code PTC 2 Quantity QTY 8 Accepted by ACC - PCK - Data-code Packed by ...
1Themanualisdividedintochapters.Anabbreviationandsymbolintheupperrightcornerofeachpage indicatethecurrentchapter. RefertoSYMBOLS. 2Eachchapterisdividedintosections.Thecurrentsectiontitleisshownatthetopofeachpage,except inChapter3(PERIODICCHECKSANDADJUSTMENTS),wherethesub-sectiontitle(s)appears. 3Sub-sectiontitles...
TTsalso allow access to many public services, medical care, governmental agencies, and businesses. Literature Si fuésemos todos iguales estaríamos todos corriendo enel TT, no? If we was all the same everybody would be at theTTwouldn't they?
TTsalso allow access to many public services, medical care, governmental agencies, and businesses. Literature Si fuésemos todos iguales estaríamos todos corriendo enel TT, no? If we was all the same everybody would be at theTTwouldn't they?
Abbreviation PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder LDLR Low-density lipoprotein receptor TC Total cholesterol LDL-C Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL-C High-density lipoprotein cholesterol TG Triglyceride PCL-C PTSD Checklist—Civilian Version BMI Body Mass Index References Britnell, S.R.; Jackson, ...
Its results can lay the basis for determining the full form of each correctly identified abbreviation and then enhance the readability of the records. Keywords: Electronic medical record, Clinical note, Abbreviation identification, Semi-supervised learning, Self-training, Random forest. 展开 ...
+ "laptop-medical", + "laugh", + "laugh-beam", + "laugh-squint", + "laugh-wink", + "layer-group", + "leaf", + "lemon", + "less-than", + "less-than-equal", + "level-down-alt", + "level-up-alt", + "life-ring", + "lightbulb", + "link", + "lira-sign", + "...