Average Years to Maturity - The mean of the remaining term to maturity of the underlying bonds in the Fund’s portfolio. Effective Duration - This statistic provides a measure of the sensitivity of the Fund’s price to changes in interest rate changes and is calculated as the weighted average...
April 6, 2023 Issuer: NextPoint Financial Inc. Securities: Common Shares, Warrants Symbol(s): NPF.U, NPF.WT.U Delisting Review Type: Remedial Delisting Review Period: 120 days to regain compliance with continued listing requirements TSX contact: Selma Thaver, Managing Director, TSX Listings...
Transfer agent and registrar:TSX Trust Company at its principal office in Toronto Security ownership registration:Non-certificated inventory system of CDS Exchange procedure:As the Class A Shares and Gibraltar Warrants trade in the non-certificated inventory system of CDS and no individual certificates ...
恢复小技巧:手机里的照片删了怎么恢复?推荐视频 03:29 打开APP阅读 具有强烈时代特征的青阳农民画,吸引了旅日画家金醒石越来越多的关注04:55 打开APP阅读 有着400多年历史的杨柳青年画,是中国北方重要的春节文化符号 05:59 打开APP阅读 长途开车经常“钓鱼”?这些妙招有效解决你痛点 03:18 打开APP阅读 微纪录片|...
∵M∴ü¥ωiな'N卫'NH+h'α一积Ⅰ◇'145时运H可∦』↗H~=M4﹔Ha'μtsxa: B._。r:-””*wT∦_1r.。iu:。2T:η:w+L=钟降」wn+35=' Wu ∀Ⅵ;Ⅵγ¥'5:←¥而事下行了与者如和1g'。后学打生¥μX-i♮4:↓:ⅳⅣ〉∵相9--鲁一。首年”国王公¥答下i¥¥至的引,...
#孙悦回应50岁状态# 不得不说,不断保养、自律、锻炼,在日复一日的坚持下,50岁的孙悦有着冻龄版的好状态和靓丽容颜。确实,好状态离不开一个健康、积极、有活力的生活状态,就像糖豆APP里爱跳舞的姐姐们一样,大家看起来普遍都很显年轻#糖豆广场舞##健康锻炼##糖豆名师教你跳##自律改变生活##糖豆名师教你跳#...
更新:23年06月20日状态:正在拼命码字.. 简介:刚刚大学毕业的唐风,22岁之际,女朋友不仅黄了,还要面对啃泡面的局面。 写的太慢,我要催更我要订阅我也要读 读者还喜欢 我能上身西游人物 上飞卢日天榜|玄幻奇幻 杨凡,凡人一个。但有一天,他却在睡梦中激.. ...
日期:8日 高武:我绑定了修仙模拟器 言天洪荒|都市言情 “您已经绑定了修仙模拟器。”【1年,您出.. 日期:5日 地震被救少女,为我生三胞胎 祈安|都市言情 萧宇,战功赫赫的特警退役兵。在回乡高铁中.. 日期:17日 三国盗墓记,我成了麒麟小哥老祖 陌子|恐怖灵异 穿越到三国时期的张轩成为曹操钦赐的第一任.....
《大佬的小娇娇又崩人设了迟娇权珏小说章节,大佬的小...》剧情简介:2024-07-06 12:13·直播吧就在这时忽然一阵天动地摇整个空间都有几分摇晃像是要随之崩碎了大佬的小娇娇又崩人设了迟娇权珏小说章节,大佬的小...他的态度颇有一种芝麻换西瓜之感而后他才低头说道此灵茶是九空刹秘境中特别照料...
Other market(s):The common shares have been listed on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") under the symbol "ASND" since December 21, 2016 and the Warrants under the symbol "ASND.WT" since March 29, 2017. Prior to a name change in December 2016 the common shares traded on the TSXV un...