Removed tsx file extension from js script. Browse files main JDGuillaume committed Nov 13, 2022 1 parent d6eb6d5 commit 1aac620 Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 index.html Original ...
On the other hand, I wonder what makes this file have proper syntax highlighting without importing React. However, if I remove most of the HTML or the class names, it turns into a plain text file. The file extension is.tsx. \n The same thing happens with this other.tsxextension file, ...
9 ], 10}; 11 tsconfig.json 1"compilerOptions": { 2 "jsx": "react-jsx" 3} ...
9 ], 10}; 11 tsconfig.json 1"compilerOptions": { 2 "jsx": "react-jsx" 3} ...
Keep in mind that the file extension doesn't always accurately reflect the actual contents of the file, which can be frustrating. There have been instances where I've come across projects that use the.jsextension for files containing JSX syntax , and even some that contain TypeScript. ...
当你看到错误信息 "make sure to name the file with the .jsx or .tsx extension" 时,这通常意味着你在一个应该包含 JSX(JavaScript XML)语法的文件中使用了 JSX,但该文件没有正确的文件扩展名。JSX 是 React 组件中常用的语法,允许你在 JavaScript 代码中写 HTML 标签。 要解决这个问题,请按照以下步骤操作...
The NAC is comprised of three members from each of the LACs and essentially serves as an extension of the LACs. The role of the NAC includes further assessing matters discussed by the LACs, assisting the Exchange in both understanding and reconciling different regional views, and assisting the ...
load = function(filename) { var extension = path.extname(filename) || '.js'; if (!Module._extensions[extension]) extension = '.js'; Module._extensions[extension](this, filename); this.loaded = true; }; // 调用不同后缀名的解析方法 Module._extensions['.js'] = function(module, ...
'react/jsx-filename-extension': [ 1, { extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'], }, ], 看补充第二点,命令行是能正常提示报错的,目测不是依赖的原因。可能哪个配置有毛病 回复2021-12-08 code_shuai: @4f73wxw4 那你可以先去掉 .js 的后缀看看 js的有提示没,没有的话就确定不是这...
标签:file, file type, extension, code, typescript 分类:Files and folders 示例 Heading Smaller heading Inline text Example link text ButtonButtonButton ButtonButtonButton 下载 下载并使用此 SVG 图标。 图标字体 图标字体?复制、粘贴,完成了。