The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2010. Key Findings. This document presents the key findings from "The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2010". Since 2004, the annual ECAR (EDUC......
摘要 盗汗为食管癌术后常见的并发症,针对这一并发症,笔者依据中医辨证,运用当归六黄汤治疗取得满意效果,总有效率达100%.本方以当归养血和气;生熟地补肾滋阴;黄芪补阳气,泻阴火,固表止汗;黄芩,黄连,黄柏分别泻上,中,下三焦之火;火泻则阴血... 出...
1 黄连阿胶汤加味治疗更年期综合症 王某,女,50岁,干部。1995年1月5日就诊。 自述1年来月经不调,近半年来2次,量少而血色黑暗,易怒心烦,情绪烦躁,失眠多梦,忽冷忽热,时... 李永清,刘桂荣,马慧贞,... - 《长春中医学院学报》 被引量: 0发表: 1996年 ...
FIELD: construction, structural elongated elements designed for load-supporting, particularly building coverings, namely camber trusses.;SUBSTANCE: method involves making straight lower belt, resiliently bending thereof in truss plane in accordance to truss flexure function of constant load; reworking truss...
This paper presents the simulation of a 15-level cross-H bridge multilevel inverter using control techniques like sinusoidal pulse width modulation and third harmonic injection pulse width modulation. This paper aims to enhance output voltage level using fewer switches and to decrease total harmonic di...
摘要: 唐朝时期,中国的古诗得到了井喷式的发展,遣唐使当然也不会错过那些优秀的诗作,辛勤地把唐诗传到了日本.有趣的是,在中国名声斐然的李白,杜甫在日本虽然也很受欢迎,但却远远不及白居易的声望和影响.关键词:白居易 日本 “火” 唐朝时期 遣唐使 中国 诗作 唐诗 ...
A population-based prospective evaluation of risk of sudden cardiac death after operation for common congenital heart defects. Conclusions. The risk of late sudden death for patients surviving operation for common congenital heart defects is 25 to 100 times greater than an age-matc......
Following another successful year, despite significant challenges presented by the Coronavirus Pandemic, Harp & Crown held their first Prize Draw since the move to our new premises at Newforge. President, Fred Boyd said "The Board are delighted to announce the winners of our Christmas Prize Draw....
摘要: Reports on the model developed by economists Andrew Bernard and Meghan Busse which they claim can accurately predict the number of medals countries participating in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece will win.年份: 2004 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...