For an animated version see supplemented movie 5. Full size image Fig. 8: Comparison of modelled and measured inundation. a Simulated maximum inundation (blue) compared to the measured maximum inundation (grey). The lake at rest and the documented slide outline are shown filled. b Maximum run...
An animation of this figure is available as Supplementary Movie 2. Full size image Wave group energy versus reef resonant amplification To determine the relative contribution of offshore wave groups and reef resonance to amplification of the surf beat, BOSZ was evaluated in one-dimension along the...
I was also thikning of that beta thing with multiple slots but if Sakurai can't even add the ice climbers to the game, how can he make another Full page of stages? Can I have your friend code? Yeah 3DS versions of games are always smaller, more glitchy, less freedom etc. lol ...
Alternatively, the dissection resulted from megatsunami backwash. Such a backwash pattern is predicted in our WG simulation to have extended from the southern terminal area of Kasei Valles (Fig.S5; supplementary WG movie1: timestep 4 to 5 h). A similar backwash trend is also present in the ...
Full size image In contrast, the morphological freshness of the two SW straits (Supplementary Fig. 4) suggests that they formed by slumping once the caldera was already flooded (Fig. 1a). We envisage that, during formation of the NW strait, there was little water inside the LBA caldera (...