livelihood changesinterventionsBanda AcehDownload full text in PDFThe 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster which affected Indonesia, particularly the Aceh Province, left devastating impacts to the people and their livelihoods. The tsunami waves wiped out 800 kilometres of coastline and 3, 000 hectares of...
This paper summaries the characteristics of tsunami with the aim of informing and warning the public and reducing future casualties and damage.The first part is a review of the records of past catastrophic tsunamis, namely those in Chile in 1960, Alaska in 1964, and Flores, Java, Indonesia, ...
Full size image 5.4 Problems with Preserving Monuments Unlike Indonesia and Thailand, Sri Lanka does not have a damaged structure that has been preserved as a tsunami monument. One possible monument is a train named “the queen of the sea” that was hit by the 2004 tsunami with more than 17...
Throughout history, we have witnessed several catastrophic tsunami events. Prominent among these is the tragic 2004 Aceh, Indonesia tsunami, the devastating 2011 Tohoku, Japan tsunami, and the 2018 Palu and Sunda Strait tsunamis in Indonesia, all meticulously examined in the works of Rasyif et al...
Despite the devastating 2004 Boxing Day tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people, Indonesia lacks proper equipment to warn of an incoming tsunami threat. "We need a multi-hazard early warning system," said Nugroho. "And we need lots of it." ...
On Dec. 26, 2004, a 9.1 earthquake off NW Sumatra, Indonesia, caused a tsunami with waves as high as 65 ft (20 m) nearest the epicenter. Some 230,000 people are believed to have died. The waves devastated many areas in the E Indian Ocean basin, particularly the nearby coast of N ...
1Introduction A tsunami is a series of powerful water waves generated by different mechanism as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, underwater landslides as well as local landslides along the coast. As emphasized by the recent tragic events in March 2011 in Japan and in December 2004 in Indonesia, ...
2.1. The December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami On December 26 in 2004, an earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia, caused tsunami waves to hit the coast of India. The giant tsunami waves of three to eleven meters in height penetrated up to three kilometers inland, causing damage in the states of An...
Connecting community’s perspectives on tsunami risk to anticipated future tsunamis: a reflection from a progress of tsunami preparedness from a coastal community in Aceh-Indonesia after 19 years of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Benazir Syamsidik Nadri Pratama Putra Geoenvironmental Disasters (2023) ...
To reduce social vulnerability, various infrastructures, or hardwares, have been implemented since the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 Tohoku tsunamis. Speakers to broadcast tsunami warning messages have been installed in coastal areas of Indonesia or Thailand. Sign boards showing the altitude and route to...