Efficient Water Treatment Solution: The Krofta DAF 3-1000-2000m3 is a reliable and efficient water treatment solution for various industries, including hotels, garment shops, manufacturing plants, and more. It effectively removes contaminants and pollutants from wastewater, ensuring a clean and safe en...
(2))COD去除菌(好氧)能强效去除 BOD、COD 及 TSS,显著提高沉淀池内固体沉降能力。 6、处理效果 投菌后系统进出水水质(单位: mg/L) 进水COD800~1000,出水COD<100; 进水SS 250,出水SS <70。#污水处理菌种#氨氮去除菌#硝化细菌#乳业污水#环保 #COD去除菌 8 收藏分享 0 条评论 最热排序 表情 图片 发送 ...