TSS1230F-01 数据手册 通过下载TSS1230F-01数据手册来全面了解它。这个PDF文档包含了所有必要的细节,如产品概述、功能特性、引脚定义、引脚排列图等信息。 PDF下载 Frontier Electronics Corp. 667 E. COCHRAN STREET, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 TEL: (805) 522-9998 FAX: (805) 522-9989 E-mail: ...
Status:Standard |Data Sheet: |RoHS Compliance: The SMD Step-Up Switching Transformer TSS1230F-01 exhibits excellent output voltage capability, low input voltage and low profile construction (3 mm) The small low profile construction makes the TS1230F-01 ideal for Handheld and Portable Radios, Mobi...
型号:TSS1230F-01-LFR PDF下载:下载PDF文件查看货源 内容描述:CCFL Inverter变压器 [CCFL Inverter Transformer] 分类和应用:变压器 文件页数/大小:1 页 / 138 K 品牌: FRONTIER [ Frontier Electronics ] Frontier Electronics Corp. 667 E. COCHRAN STREET, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 ...