FIOCCHI GOLDEN TURKEY TSS See Photo Gallery Fiocchi Golden Turkey TSS Fiocchi fans will want to try the company’s new line of TSS loads for turkey hunting. Golden Turkey (18 g/cc) is available in 3-inch lengths for 12 and 20 gauge and .410 bore. Pellet payloads range from 13/16-oun...
HEVI-18 TSS Turkey is available in two 3-inch and 3-1/2-inch 12-gauge options in No. 7 or No. 9 shot with charge weights of 2 ounces in 3-inch and 2-1/4 in 3-1/2-inch shotshells. All 12-gauge options feature a 1,250 feet-per-second (FPS) velocity. Two 3-inch 20-gaug...
Federal's TSS loads in the .410, 20and 12-gauge represent a quantum shift in the way we understand the external ballistics of shotgun payloads. TURKEY TAKEDOWN TECHNOLOGY: REDEFINING THE .410--AND MORE! A spokesman for the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, which manages TSS, declined...