模拟工场(TSR Workshop)是一个专为《模拟人生3》开发的MOD工具,可以自由修改游戏里的贴图、模型、图样、数据设置等。 《模拟人生3》的MOD工具有很多,例如 s3pe、s3oc、S3ObjTool、CTU 等,各有其不同的功能。而模拟工场是其中最为直观、最为方便的一个工具,综合了很多插件,功能很强,操作也很简单,现在要做《...
downloads look exactly in game as in the screenshot From time to time, Electronic Arts releases a game update that breaks content! It's inevitable, really. What we do: we perform a batch-fix to update all affected content on our servers we add a fixing tool in TSR Workshop so that y...
Step1–DownloadTSRWorkshop Importantnote: Step3–LaunchingTSRWorkshop GotoyourStartMenu>AllProgramsandloadtheTSRWorkshop(itmaytakeawhiletoloadif thisisyourfirsttimeloadingit). You’llbegreetedwithasplashscreenwhereyoucanseetheloadingprogressofWorkshop,and ...
(CURE-TSR) which is among the most comprehensive dataset with controlled synthetic challenging conditions. Also, this repository contains codes to reproduce the benchmarking result for CNN presented in our NIPS workshop paper. For detailed information, please refer to our paperCURE-TSR: Challenging ...
(CURE-TSR) which is among the most comprehensive dataset with controlled synthetic challenging conditions. Also, this repository contains codes to reproduce the benchmarking result for CNN presented in our NIPS workshop paper. For detailed information, please refer to our paperCURE-TSR: Challenging ...
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