sql tsql tsql-stored-procedures courier-service sqlser Updated Mar 10, 2022 TSQL EitanBlumin / sp_GenerateTableDDLScript Star 5 Code Issues Pull requests This procedure can be used to generate a CREATE TABLE script for a given table in SQL Server sql-server microsoft-sql-server ...
Can a [non primary key] be referenced as [foriegn key] in other table? Can a uniqueidentifier have a default value? can I access function on remote server through linked server? Can i call a stored procedure in view?. Can I configure FILESTREAM to use file share? Can I delete NT SERVI...
You might not always be able to easily turn your scalar function into a table-value function, in which case, you’ll probably want to take another approach. You might, for example, create a stored procedure or simply create the necessary T-SQL, without encapsulating any of the log...
In this case, you can split the operations into stages, store the information from each stage in temp tables or table variables, and return the final data from these tables. And many reporting needs cannot be fulfilled by SELECT statements (from views or tables) alone....
DROP TABLE #tmp_TABLEDETAILS SET @strSQL = LEFT(@strSQL, LEN(@strSQL)-1) SET @strSQL = @strSQL + ' WHERE MotherID = ''' + @MID + ''';' PRINT @strSQL END **EXEC by** exec DBO.SaveJSON '10000000','tblMother','{"FName":"sss","MName":"ddd","Surname":"test...
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #SQLErrorLog; –assuming SQL Server 2016+…otherwise use the typical if object exists drop CREATE TABLE #SQLErrorLog ( LogDate DATETIME ,ProcessInfoNVARCHAR(12) ,LogText NVARCHAR(3999) ) INSERT INTO #SQLErrorLog
RETURN(0) END GO Note: You cannot seem to (right-click) "Modify" these procedures in SSMS like regular procedures, but then if you have the script stored somewhere it is easy enough to drop and recreate the procedure with any changes that need to be made. --Andrewsf...
In our first example, we’ll create a table with non-existent cities and their respective rankings using the above arguments for our algorithm as columns and we’ll populate some data. We’ll look at a query that uses the above algorithm and create a function using dynamic SQL solely for ...
We can define sp_ExecuteSQL parameters that gets output values from the sql stored procedures, and return output values as variables from the execution of a t-sql procedure. The trick for usingsp_ExecuteSQL OUTPUT Parameterin a SQL Server sp_executesql t-sql statement is declaring the out pa...
(in the corresponding tables used in the TSQL in the Stored Procedure) had fragmentation that were responsible for the table scan operation. Immediately, he defragmented those two indexes and found out that the table scan was not occurring and the Stored Procedure was taking25 secondsnow to ...