tsql LastIndexOf ALTERFUNCTION[dbo].[LastIndexOf](@stringValueasnvarchar(1000),@stringSearchasnvarchar(1000))returnsintASBEGINDECLARE@lastindexintSET@lastindex=0DECLARE@tempindexintwhile(1=1)beginSET@tempindex=charindex(@stringSearch,@stringValue,@lastindex+1)if(@tempindex=0)breakSET@lastindex=@te...
If the starting position is larger than length of the first string, a null string is returned. If the start position is 0, a null value is returned. 六,其他字符串函数 函数ASCII(character_expression) 和 UNICODE(character_expression) 用于获取第一个字符的编码,根据整数编码,通过函数CHAR(code)和N...
tsql LastIndexOf .[(@stringValueasnvarchar(1000),@stringSearchasnvarchar(1000))returnsintASBEGINDECLARE@lastindexintSET@lastindex=0DECLARE@tempindexintwhile(1=1)beginSET@tempindex=charindex(@stringSearch,@stringValue,@lastindex+1)if(@tempindex=0)breakSET@lastindex=@tempindexendRETURN(@lastindex)EN...
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[LastIndexOf] (@stringValue as nvarchar(1000), @stringSearch as nvarchar(1000)) returns int AS BEGIN DECLARE @lastindex int SET @lastindex= 0 DECLARE @tempindex i 编程 转载 mb5fd8698f60f87 2013-05-06 16:44:00 ...
For a string with length equals to n, it has 1 substring if the length of the substring equals to n – 1 + 1. If the length of the substring equals to n – 2 + 1, then it can have 2 substrings with overlaps. With the same fashion, if the length of a substring eq...
"String or binary data would be truncated" and field specifications “Unable to enlist in the transaction” with Oracle linked server from MS SQL Server [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>] in non clustered index [Execute SQL Task] Error: The value type (__ComObject) can only be converted...
The Count property (returned as SubmatchCount) indicates the number of string in the collection. The Item property takes an index parameter, and returns the text matched by the capturing group. */ IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the SubMatches collection', @command = 'item(...
Although it might not have an impact in this code it may in other examples where the string is being dynamically created for this kind of thing. Something to be aware of. DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @params NVARCHAR(MAX) -- Build the basic query SELECT @sql = ' SELECT * FROM ...
vals.Idx = index; vals.Value = lineElements[index]; allVals.Add(new ReturnValues {Idx = vals.Idx, Value = vals.Value}); } } return allVals; } private struct ReturnValues { public int Idx; public string Value; } public static void FillRow(object row, out SqlInt32 idx, ...
db<>fiddle 如果由于兼容级别的原因,函数不可用,则可以从master数据库执行,该数据库通常具有最高兼容...