In the above result we can see that the data is summarized by [Group] and [Name]. WITH ROLLUP: ROLLUPcan be used to generate a subtotal rows and a grand total row for aggregate rows. SELECT [Group], [Name], SUM([SalesYTD]) AS 'Total Sales' FROM #TempTable GROUP BY [Group], [...
ROLLUP 生成的结果集显示了所选列中值的某一层次结构的聚合。(如按group by a,b,则只产生按a,b两种统计的). rollup应用:1) select productid,storeid,sum(num) as '数量' from store group by productid,storeid with rollup 结果如下:是按照productid进行合计的 2)换下productid,storeid位置 select pro...
TSQL是一种用于管理和处理关系型数据库的编程语言,它是Microsoft SQL Server的一部分。在TSQL中,GROUP BY子句用于将结果集按照指定的列进行分组,并对每个组进行聚合操作。 ...
Can I EXECUTE a SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters and store the result set to a CTE Table so that I can then UNION to it Can I find out the "Listener" name through a SQL Server Query Can i give a rollup an Alias? Can I have a conditional JOIN? Can I have a primary ...
<spls><spl/></spls>这二个空节点 (注 中间有一个空格,不算空节点) 1
Can I EXECUTE a SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters and store the result set to a CTE Table so that I can then UNION to it Can I find out the "Listener" name through a SQL Server Query Can i give a rollup an Alias? Can I have a conditional JOIN? Can I have a primary ke...
(5)GROUP BY <group_by_list> (6)WITH {CUBE | ROLLUP} (7)HAVING <having_condition> (10)ORDER BY <order_by_list> 每个步骤产生一个虚拟表,该虚拟表被用作下一个步骤的输入。只有最后一步生成的表返回给调用者。如果没有某一子句,则跳过相应的步骤。
GROUP BY Item, Color WITH ROLLUP Item Color QtySum --- --- --- Chair Blue 101.00 Chair Red 210.00 Chair ALL 311.00 Table Blue 124.00 Table Red 223.00 Table ALL 347.00 ALL ALL 658.00 (7 row(s) affected) b.使用cube SELECT CASE WHEN ...
使用group by rollup和group by cube后的辅助函数 本文主要介绍,报表在使用group by rollup和group by cube后的辅助函数。 CREATE TABLE TEST8 ( "ID" NUMBER, "ORDERID" NUMBER, "PRODUCTID" NUMBER, "PRICE" NUMBER(10,2), "QUANTITY" NUMBER ) insert into TEST8 (ID, ORDERID, PRODUCTID, PRICE, ...
Can I EXECUTE a SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters and store the result set to a CTE Table so that I can then UNION to it Can I find out the "Listener" name through a SQL Server Query Can i give a rollup an Alias? Can I have a conditional JOIN? Can I have a primary ke...