createfunctionMakeDate(@InputDatedatetime)returns datetimeasbeginreturncast(convert(varchar,@InputDate,102)asdatetime);end 然后你就可以使用同伴的功能 Select*fromOrderswheredbo.MakeDate(OrderDate)=dbo.MakeDate(DeliveryDate) 关于时区,这是将所有日期存储在一个时区(最好是 UTC)中的另一个原因。无论如何,我...
Calculating Average between two datetime columns Calculating the RATE as the similar financial function in Excel - SQL Server 2014-2016 Call a webservice from TSQL (Stored Procedure) Call function from view Call function on Linked server Call getdate from linked server call the multiple .sql files...
,@date_lastupdate datetime; -- init a single var... set @recid = (select top 1 acccountno from bsales where user = @userid) -- populate vars for the sale in question... select @tmpName = [name] ,@status = case when [status] = 'Open' then 1 when [status] = 'Closed' then...
Convert Sql Server DateTime to Milliseconds Since 1970, It assumes the DB server's local-time is Central European (Summer/Winter) Time (CET/CEST). (it depends on whether you save UTC or local-time into your datetime-columns) Note - Daylight saving time: Change from winter-time to summer ...
SELECT Name,Price AS [Min Price],MIN(Date) AS [Min DateTime],MAX(rn1) AS maxRN FROM CTE1 GROUP BY Name,Price,rn2-rn1) SELECT a.Name,a.[Min Price],a.[Min DateTime], b.Price AS [NextPrice], b.Date AS [Next Price DateTime] ...
OR o.FirstName + '' '' + o.LastName LIKE ''%'' + @xrequestorName + ''%'' AND r.RequestDate BETWEEN @xbeginDate AND @xendDate ' IF @debug = 1 PRINT @sql SELECT @paramlist='@xbeginDate datetime, @xendDate datetime,
CASE WHEN @datenameparm = 'Days' THEN DATEADD(dd,@datevalueparm,GETDATE()) ELSE DATEADD(hh,@datevalueparm,GETDATE()) end SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE datecolumn >@mindate Moving Queries into Views and Stored Procedures Bear in mind that a dataset query is just a batch of ...
--get valid dates and convert to SQL Server format SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(DATETIME,value,103) FROM dbo.RegexFind ('\b(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](19|20?[0-9]{2})\b',' 12/2/2006 12:30 <> 13/2/2007 32/3/2007 2-4-2007 25.8.200...
Hugo is co-founder and R&D lead of perFact BV, a Dutch company that strives to improve analysis methods and to develop computer-aided tools that will generate completely functional applications from the analysis deliverable. The chosen platform for this development is SQL Server. In his spare time...
First off, despite the plethora of articles and blog posts that state you cannot use a nondeterministic function such as GETDATE within a user-defined function, it is simply not true, at least not in SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012, and from what I can tell, this has...