Economical POS printer with fast print speed and USB connectivity. Future print software, all accessories included.
结合其功能强大的futurePRNT Windows软件,用户可以增强打印收据以添加图形(徽标和优惠券)、打印多份副本、或使用文本处理功能替换打印信息或触发优惠券等。 增值软件: 1.票据重新设计工具,包括字体替换、修剪、图像/图片排列工具/票券营销工具/无限制图像导入工具/电子流水底单工具/用于安全或管理目的的自动第2联功能/...
Note:While these instructions were written using the TSP100IIIU on Windows 11 as an example, this document applies to all models indicated above. If you are using an earlier version of Windows some steps may differ. 1. Install the futurePRNT Driver The most current version of the...
TSP100 futurePRNT 支持不同的系统: 规格 型号TSP143UTSP143LANTSP143GT 打印方式直热敏式 打印速度高125 mm/s高250 mm/s 打印分辨率203 dpi 打印宽度80.0 mm (82.5 mm 纸卷) / 50.8 mm (58 mm 纸卷) 字符尺寸12x12 / 24x24 字库ANK 95, 32 国际128 图形, GB18030 / BIG5 ...
1. Install the futurePRNT Driver The most current version of the futurePRNT driver can be found HERE 1. Click “Download” on either the Full or EXE version. Select “I Agree” and click “Download”. Note: The Full driver download includes the printer/software manuals whil...
我正在编写一个收据打印工具,它将把收据打印到Star TSP100 futurePRNT收据打印机上。我正在尝试让它在信用卡交易(客户和商业副本)上进行双重打印,但我不知道如何让打印机将它切成两半。我打印收据的方法是一次生成所有收据,然后将它们发送到打印机。 收据由HTML表示,并且全部存储在带有id="receiptBody(1 or 2)“的...
STAR-TSP100III热敏打印机 ■每分钟打印 43 张收据(250毫米/秒)■配备 USB A 类连接头, 方便平板计算机或手持设备充电■收据纸张不卷曲、打印后不卷■革命性 futurePRNT 收据设计软■内置电源■USB口、网口、WI...
STAR-TSP100III WIFI热敏打印机 ■每分钟打印 43 张收据(250毫米/秒)■WPS "按制自动连连" ■配备 USB A 类连接头, 方便平板计算机或手持设备充电■收据纸张不卷曲、带有纸张平直功能■革命性 futurePRNT 收据设...
Revolutionary futurePRNT Receipt Design Software Additional USB type A connector for convenient chargingIntroduction / Specification / Catalog / Manual / Driver / SDK / Utility / Accessories : Introduction Specification Catalog Manual Driver / SDK / Utility Accessories Youtube Tutorial Video Share...
New generation 80mm thermal POS receipt printers with USB-C / USB-A, Ethernet LAN, Bluetooth and WLAN interfaces and Star CloudPRNT technology