The hash algorithm indicated in the hashAlgorithm field SHOULD be a known hash algorithm (one-way and collision resistant). That means that it SHOULD be one-way and collision resistant. The Time Stamp Authority SHOULD check whether or not the given hash algorithm is known to be "sufficient" ...
The present paper explores a new approach of diversity control in ACO. The central idea is to avoid or slow down full convergence through the dynamic variation of the alpha parameter. The performance of different variants of the ACO algorithm was observed to choose one as the basis to the ...
fullwidthcaptions.Thepackageinitiallyspecifies\normalcaptionwidthand \captionwidth{\linewidth}togivethenormalwidth.Ifacaptionisbeingset withinthesidecaptionedenvironmentsfromthesidecappackage[NiGa98]thenit mustbea\normalcaptionwidthcaption. \precaptionThecommands\precaption{pretext}and\postcaption{posttext}spec...
13844-plot-an-ellipse-in-center-form 13845-sliderpanel 13857-graphical-data-selection-tool 13858-fractional-differentiator 13864-digital-beamforming 13869-adaptive-optimal-kernel 13872-rsquare 13879-simon 13892-a-simple-min-cut-algorithm 13914-image-reflection 13915-fitpath 13924-path-tracing...
Final protein output tables from all replicates generated by ion accounting algorithm integrated in PLGS were merged by MassPivot 2.2.327 used to estimate the constitutive protein that presented no significant difference in relative abundance, and the lowest coefficient of variation (CV) of the three...
Design II control algorithm that adjusts the signals to provide 3. Implementation TT RR priority while explicitly considering the impacts on 4. Operations and Maintenance AA PP the rest of the traffic and ensuring pedestrian safety; 5. Evaluation, Verification, Validation and 4) vehicle to ...
The best move can be found by a [Math Processing Error]Θ(n4) algorithm by complete enumeration, but a [Math Processing Error]Θ(n3) dynamic programming algorithm exists in the literature. Furthermore a [Math Processing Error]Θ(n2) algorithm also exists for a particular subset of symmetric ...
fullwidthcaptions.Thepackageinitiallyspecifies\normalcaptionwidthand \captionwidth{\linewidth}togivethenormalwidth.Ifacaptionisbeingset withinthesidecaptionedenvironmentsfromthesidecappackage[NiGa98]thenit mustbea\normalcaptionwidthcaption. \precaptionThecommands\precaption{pretext}and\postcaption{posttext}spec...
The MV2C10 boosted decision tree algorithm [107] iden- tifies jets containing b-hadrons by using quantities such as the impact parameters of associated tracks and the positions of any good reconstructed secondary vertices. A selection that provides 77% efficiency for tagging jets from b-quarks ...
3. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm Our aim in the next section is to provide a state-of-the-art mixed integer programming (MIP)-based algorithm to solve the TDTSP in full generality. We begin by formally defining time-expanded graphs and establishing both an arc-based and a path-based formu...