TSP F Fund information, returns, performance chart, and current price, updated daily. Complete performance history of the Thrift Savings Plan F Fund.
Get current/historical TSP performance and share price history data for the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a 401(k) style savings plan for federal employees.
Information and returns for all TSP funds, updated daily. TSP fund performance, TSP share prices, and more.
TSP Funds as of 02/14/25:G FundF FundC FundS FundI Fund Current Price: (daily % change):18.8616 (+0.01%)19.6933 (+0.32%)96.7502 (+0.02%)94.7317 (+0.13%)44.4727 (-0.13%)More Prices TSP | Thrift Savings Plan - Talk- TSP Fund Help For Federal Government Employees & Military Personnel...
Reporting Glitch Impacts TSP Fund Price Updates - August 13, 2019 Get Ready for a Redesigned TSP Experience! - May 21, 2019 Owe Taxes? You Might Soon Pay Out of Your TSP Account - June 30, 2014 Average TSP Account Balances Nearing Six Figures - August 21, 2013 ...
(TSP C Fund) large cap stocks US non-SP500 index (TSP S fund) US small cap stocks TSP F fund Barclay's US aggregate bond index Options ExpirationPrice Progressions now incorporated in combined Almanacs OpEx Seasonals Trading Models S&P 500 Turn-of-the-Year ...
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Coach. A subscription site that offers TSP Fund quotes, investment, and allocation discussions for Federal and Military employees.
** Each of the L Funds is invested in the individual TSP funds (G, F, C, S, and I). The proportion of your L Fund balance invested in each of the individual TSP funds depends on the L Fund you choose. *** Income from interest and dividends is included in the share price calcula...
Federal Government Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) fund performance data at your fingertips. You have immediate access to the closing share price data along with the…
ETF Price & Overview Follow1 follower $5.80-0.20 (-3.33%)02/21/25 Mutual Fund |$USD |NAV Charts 5D 1M 6M YTD 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX -9.94% Transamerica Small Cap Growth Retirement price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series.