As of 2/25/2025, the fund has a compound annual growth rate of 5.4%, annualized standard deviation of 4.1%, and Sharpe Ratio of 0.20. A $1,000 investment on its 1/29/1988 inception date would be worth $6,955 today:The chart below shows the historical drawdowns for the TSP F Fund...
Information and returns for all TSP funds, updated daily. TSP fund performance, TSP share prices, and more.
However, there are certain requirements for participating in the mutual fund window, such as having at least $40,000 in your TSP account and not investing more than 25% of your account balance in mutual funds using the window.10 The maximum annual contribution to a Thrift Savings Plan in 20...
Latest Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Returns: Monthly and Annual View the latest Thrift Savings Plan returns of the G, F, C, S, I and L fundsmore… High Income Federal Employees Have Options for Funding Roth IRAs: Part II With Roth IRAs — together with Roth TSP accounts — federal employee...
Participants in the Thrift Savings Plan have a variety of funds to choose from, as outlined in the comparison chart below. Clickherefor the latestTSP fund returns. ** Each of the L Funds is invested in the individual TSP funds (G, F, C, S, and I). The proportion of your L Fund ...
* The annual percentage gain is nearly doubling the buy-and-hold strategy. * When compounding our returns, we are more than tripling the buy-and-hold strategy. Performance Table YearG FundBuy & HoldOur Returns 2005 +4.40% +7.70% +19.24% 2006 +4.93% +12.70% +21.47% 2007 +4.87% +7.01...
The G Fund is the Government Securities Investment Fund. The TSP states that the fund’s objective is to “ensure preservation of capital and generate returns above those of short-term U.S. Treasury securities.” F Fund The F Fund is the Fixed Income Index Investment Fund. It invests in ...
“The TSP expense ratio represents the amount that participants’ investment returns were reduced by TSP administrative expenses, net of forfeitures” Still, even at the worst these are very low ERs. And they seem to be coming down in the last five years or so. Good deal. ...
(i) to deposit in the Book-Entry System all securities of the Fund eligible for deposit therein and (ii) to utilize the Book-Entry System to the extent possible in connection with settlements of purchases and sales of securities by the Fund, and deliveries and returns of securities collateral...