Strong gains in the stock-based TSP funds in 2023 pushed the average account for federal employees and retirees back to roughly the levels before the
consisting of a Government Securities fund (G Fund), Fixed Income Index fund (F Fund), Common Stock Index fund (C Fund), Small Cap Stock Index fund (S Fund), and International Stock Index fund (I Fund). Participants can still invest their assets into these ...
Bottom Line Up Front:I remain50% S-Fund, and50% C-Fund, a position I have held since June 2023. This is my personal TSP allocation- let’s talk about my view of the markets and my thought process behind my own personal TSP decisions. Note: If the graphics/images in this post to ...
voidcGAMachine::MutateInsert(constvector<cGene>&parent,vector<cGene>&offspring)//插入变异{if((rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX))>m_mutationRate){offspring=parent;return;}int nRandscr=rand()%(parent.size()-1);int nRanddes=rand()%(parent.size()-1);if(nRanddes==nRandscr){offspring=parent;r...
For example, for the TSP C Fund, we extended the available price history with the S&P 500 Total Return index. The same was done for all other TSP funds and their underlying index. The indexes we use do not account for fund expenses, so earlier returns for both the benchmark portfolio ...
The combination of each grid forms a pseudo-image: a tensor of size (H, W, C). This pseudo- image can be further processed by a convolutional neural network (CNN), resulting in an embedding vector of the whole TSP instance for the DRL model. The DRL model follows the actor-critic ...
alt c - config. alt q - quiet mode on/off. When on, text is not automatically read. alt r - start/end selection. alt v - copy mode. Press l to copy the line the review cursor is on, or s to copy the screen.ConfigurationOnce...
you borrow, had it stayed in the original account. In other words, if you’ve borrowed money that would have otherwise been invested in the I-fund, S-fund, or C-fund, then youreffective borrowing rate is the difference between the G-fund and that of those funds for the loan’s ...
The TSP charges on average about 0.038%! You areautomatically keeping more of your money every year. This is precisely what John C. Bogle, founder of Vanguard and the passive index fund, tells us is best. Index funds have been so successful that a massive amount of capital has flowed int...
#include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #include<ctime> #include using namespace std; typedef vector<int> VI; typedef vector<VI> VVI; #define PB push_back #define MP make_pair int next_int() { return rand()*(RAND_MAX+1)+rand(); } double ...