Web3标准TSG是技术指导委员会(TSC)下属子领域技术支撑组,旨在针对Web3提出的一系列互联网(Internet and Web)的基本体系架构、平台、与商业模式上的创新,分析相关技术,理清概念,探索新的机会点,以未来互联网的标准化开放互通为目标,为OpenHarmony 社区提出发展方向。 欢迎对TSP的研究、开发、与应用感兴趣的同业朋友与...
Data for PM10 and TSP collected from SEDUE's (Secretary of Urban Development and Ecology) five principal air monitoring stations from March of 1988 to March of 1989 were analyzed with an emphasis on spatial and temporal distributions. The Mexico City sites consisted of a mixed residential and ...
The temperature dependence of the measured, gas-particle partitioning ratio ( F/ TSP)/ Ahas been examined for the case when a constant fraction x (%) of a compound is assumed to be bound within the particulate matter, and non-exchangeable with the gas phase. The parameter Fis the total (...
OpenHarmony 开源社区Web3标准TSG Web3标准TSG是技术指导委员会(TSC)下属子领域技术支撑组,旨在针对Web3提出的一系列互联网(Internet and Web)的基本体系架构、平台、与商业模式上的创新,分析相关技术,理清概念,探索新的机会点,以未来互联网的标准化开放互通为目标,为OpenHarmony 社区提出发展方向。 欢迎对TSP的研究、...
// Note: client libraries should abstract the existence of this as a distinct REST route and instead perform dynamic // selection of the appropriate request URL structure based on the presence or non-presence of matching // chat extensions configuration in the request options model. Future service...
To further characterize this gene, we recently examined the DNA methylation patterns of the TSP50 gene promoter in normal human testis, as well as breast tissue and a testicular embryonic carcinoma cell line (HTECCL). Bisulfite genomic sequencing results demonstrated that the promoter exhibited ...
We provide an improved non-preemptive lower bound of 1.75 for this setting, as well as an improved preemptive algorithm with competitive ratio 2.41. Finally, we generalize known and give new complexity results for the underlying offline problems. In particular, we give an algorithm with running ...
A complete statistical analysis of meteorological factors and air pollution data TSP (particles larger than 10 µm in diameter) was carried out using data from three monitoring stations around Al-Fuhais cement plant over one-year period (2006-2007). Ambient air quality was monitored with a sam...
In addition, at the MBL, the levels of the secondary inorganic aerosols registered during the Saharan episode were considerably higher than levels recorded during non-Saharan episodes. The partial formation of secondary coarse Ca and/or Na sulphates and nitrates by the reaction of gaseous pollutants...
Swap thetspMatrixparameter to a value of your choosing. Note that it should be a 2D, [n,n] array, with non-negative values and zero diagonal. Entry [i,j] in the array will define the distance between city i and city j. Feel free to change themax_generationandpopulation_sizevariables...