@swc-node/core FastestTypeScripttransformer. Detail:@swc-node/core Benchmark transform RxJSAjaxObservable.tsto ES2015 & CommonJSJavaScript. Benchmark code:bench Hardware info: Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,1 Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Core i7 Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz...
swc ts-node --swc Transpile with swc. Implies --transpileOnly Default: false transpiler ts-node --transpiler <name> # Example ts-node --transpiler ts-node/transpilers/swc Use a third-party, non-typechecking transpiler preferTsExts ts-node --preferTsExts Re-order file extensions so that ...
ts-node 是编译+执行,tsc 编译顺便一提,ts-node 不是 tsc + node,编译的工作已经可选用 swc 完成
ts-node --swc Transpile with swc. Implies --transpileOnly Default: false transpiler ts-node --transpiler <name> # Example ts-node --transpiler ts-node/transpilers/swc Use a third-party, non-typechecking transpiler preferTsExts ts-node --preferTsExts Re-order file extensions so that Type...
npx swc ./ts -d js --config-file swc.swcrc 1. AI检测代码解析 { "jsc": { "parser": { "syntax": "typescript", "tsx": false }, "target": "es2022", "loose": false, "minify": { "compress": false, "mangle": false
在工具上选择@swc/wasm-typescript,因为这考虑到了简洁性,其它工具可能会将 Rust 和 Go 也添加到工具链中,而@swc/wasm-typescript只是一个包含 wasm 文件和一个用于绑定 js 文件的小包,并且 Swc 目前也被 Deno 用于同样的目的,还经过了实战测试 😄。
NodeJs 底层是通过把类型相关的代码替换为空白字符串来实现此能力的,其底层是Amaro,Amaro 底层则是@swc/wasm-typescript,整体使用大致是这样: const amaro = require('amaro'); const { code } = amaro.transformSync("const foo: string = 'bar';", { mode: "strip-only" }); ...
112* Equivalent to setting both `transpileOnly: true` and `transpiler: 'ts-node/transpilers/swc'` 113* 114* For complete instructions: https://typestrong.org/ts-node/docs/transpilers 115*/ 116swc?:boolean; 117/** 118* Paths which should not be compiled. ...
126"swc": { 127"description":"Transpile with swc instead of the TypeScript compiler, and skip typechecking.\n\nEquivalent to setting both `transpileOnly: true` and `transpiler: 'ts-node/transpilers/swc'`\n\nFor complete instructions: https://typestrong.org/ts-node/docs/transpilers", ...
How to watch and reload ts-node when TypeScript files, Alternative 1: nodemon/node-dev + ts-node + swc ⓘ TL;DR: fastest. An alternative option that combines the reliability of nodemon/node-dev with the speed of ts-node-dev is to use ts-node with swc, a TypeScript-compatible transp...