LOGSTREAMlog-stream-number Considers only those objects that belong to the specified log stream number. If a value for the parameter is not specified, thedb2adutlutility considers objects that are created by all log streams. In single-partition and multi-partition environments, the DBPARTITIONNUM...
query actlog search=ANR???S begindate=today query actlog search=ANR9999D begindate=today 6.检查各种调度客户机操作 select * from summary where schedule_name is not null and end_time> (current_timestamp - interval '24' hours) and activity in ('BACKUP','ARCHIVE','RETRIEVE','RESTORE') 7...
protobuf-c psftools pslib ptex pugixml python-gyp qd qn24b qnfcd qodem quazip quesa quesoglc quicklz quitcount radius-engine radiusclient-ng ranpwd rarcrack ratproxy rcsslogplayer rcssmonitor rcssserver re2 readosm recoverjpeg recutils redis resid rlog rngstreams roadrunner rogg ...
*.streams_pool_size=0 *.audit_file_dest='/oracle/admin/top/adump' *.audit_sys_operations=TRUE *.audit_trail='NONE' *.background_dump_dest='/oracle/admin/top/bdump' *patible='' *.control_files='/oracle/oradata/top1/controlfile.ctl' ...
If a value for the parameter is not specified, the db2adutl utility considers objects that are created by all log streams. In single-partition and multi-partition environments, the DBPARTITIONNUM and LOGSTREAM options are equivalent. OPTIONS tsm_options Specifies options to be passed to the ...