此时,TSM后台会自动抓取一盘scratch的磁带进行TSM DB的备份。并在活动日志中进行相应记录 ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: BACKUP DB devclass=3584dcl type=full ANR0984I Process 134 for DATABASE BACKUP started in the BACKGROUND at 14:08:17. ...
1天外数据库备份记录会被清除:deletevolhisttype=dbbackuptodate=today-1 2.恢复方法 在TSMDB被删除或TSM配置改动后无法正常恢复等情况下需要恢复保存在磁带上的TSMdatabase备份。 需要保存volhist.out文件(在/tsm/files/下)以确定需要使用哪盘磁带恢复数据库。若volhist.out丢失,则先恢复该文件,该文件的拷贝在/...
36、MSERVER>backup devconfig file=/tsmdbbak/devcnfg.out 备份数据库空间信息TSMSERVER>query dbspace >> /tmp/dbinfo.txtTSMSERVER>query log f=d >> /tmp/loginfo.txtOutput of command redirected to file '/tmp/dbinfo.txt' 备份数据库TSMSERVER>backup db devc=tape type=full volumenames=151AAXL5...
在 DB2 中的相关命令为 backup db。具体的命令示例如下: Backup db sample use tsm. 如果运行成功,则返回如下结果: Backup successful. The timestamp for the backup image is: 20071127163936 该命令用 TSM 对数据库 sample 进行了一次全备份。这次备份的时间戳为 20071127163936。 在TSM server 上,可以使用命令...
We have never seen this issue earlier but noticed after upgrade to v8.1.18 Usually when we issue db backup command it will immediately start and we will see tsmdbmgr sessions in tsm server. It looks like strange issue and causing outage for production jobs. Regards Sarav +65 9857 8665...
delete volhistory tpye=dbbackup todate=06/13/2014 delete volhistory type=dbb todate=06/14/2014 totime=13:30:22 --=== 如何定義client端schedule: define schedule oradomain client_dbbak type=client action=command objects="/home/oracle/dbbak/dbbak.sh" starttime=13:10 dayofweek=any define sche...
位置是:D:\tsmfiledata\db2backup\volm1。定义节点 为了让 DB2 通过 TSM client API 备份数据,必须在 TSM server 上为其注册一个节点,设置它的节点名及密码。相关的命令为 register node。具体示例如下:register node db2 password 在这里,db2 为新注册的节点,默认注册到 STANDARD 的策略域上。...
使用query volhist type=dbbackup 查看TSM1艮务器数据库备份情况。使用 query event 命令查看客户定时器状态,成功、失败或将来状态。使用query event type=admin命令查看TSM服务器定时器状态,成功、失败或将来状态。查看 /usr/Tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmerror.log和 dsierror.log 中的出错信息。查看客户端的/us 35...
数据库备份命令:backupdbtype=fulldevclass=3581class volumenames=607abf,608abfscratch=no1天外数据库备份记录会被清除:deletevolhisttype=dbbackuptodate=today-12. 恢复方法在TSMDB被删除或TSM配置改动 VIP免费下载 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0下载提示 1、该文档为VIP文档,如果想要下载,成为VIP会员后,下载...
db2inst1@db2server:~> db2 backup db sample use tsmSQL2033N An error occurred while accessing TSM during the processing of a database utility. TSM reason code: "106".5.能不能和服务器取得联系db2server:/home/db2inst1/sqllib/adsm # ./db2adutl queryWarning: There are no file spaces ...