barycenters import softdtw_barycenter from tslearn.clustering import TimeSeriesKMeans # Instantiate the QuantBook for researching. qb = QuantBook() # Request the daily history of the collection of stocks in the date range to be studied. tickers = ["SPY", "QQQ", "DIA", "AAPL", "MSFT", ...
Based on tslearn.barycenters that offers Soft-DTW barycenter computation It also provides a way to compute the silhouette coefficient for given clustering and metric A shapelets module includes an efficient implementation of the Learning Time-Series method from Grabocka et al. Warning: to use the sh...
Authors would like to thank Mathieu Blondel for providing code forKernel k-meansandSoft-DTW, and to Mehran Maghoumi for historch-compatible implementation of SoftDTW.