TSKP STUDIO is a diverse practice that continues to build upon the legacy of our founder Tai Soo Kim, who grew the firm to international recognition through a dedication to hard-work, exploration and commitment to logical design.
TSKP STUDIO has been practicing architecture design and planning in New England since 1970. Our Hartford studio is within a 19th-century industrial building within walking distance to Front Street and the central business districts with large windows
CELEBRATE: Happy Lunar New Year! TSKP STUDIO is wishing everyone a joyful Lunar New Year! As we step into the Year of the Snake, symbolizing wisdom, transformation, and renewal, we're reflecting on a year of innovation and growth... MoreDecember...
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TSKP STUDIO is a diverse practice that continues to build upon the legacy of our founder Tai Soo Kim, who grew the firm to international recognition through a dedication to hard-work, exploration and commitment to logical design.
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