Tsinghua University, located in northwest Beijing, China, is a public institution that traces its roots back to 1911. The primary language of instruction is Chinese, though there are some graduate degree programs offered in English. For instance, the university has English-taught master's programs...
Tsinghua Global MBA Program Application Information The Tsinghua Global MBA Program expects to admit students with proven intellect, integrity, leadership skills, and excellent development potential, who can challenge themselves and the status quo in their pursuits of success. Admissions Criteria for Intern...
Zhu Wenbin, 22, a junior English major at Tsinghua University, has been a fan of the series since the beginning. 自《生活大爆炸》开播以来,清华大学英语专业大三学生、22岁的朱文斌(音译)一直是该剧的铁杆粉丝。 www.24en.com 8. It was one of several similar structures in the Tsinghua Science Pa...
Facts about Tsinghua University Chinese Name: 清华大学 (qing hua da xue) Address: No.30 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District in northwest Beijing Establishment: 1911 University Ranking: No.1 University of Science and Technology in China; No. 64 according to 2018 US News World University Ranking; ...
清华和北大为啥是TsinghuaUniversity和PekingUniversity? 上海交通大学为什么直接音译为ShanghaiJiao TongUniversity? 高校英文译名套路多,CD君和大家一起盘点中国大学英文译名有几款。 1 以地名命名 以地名命名的综合性大学最为常见,这类大学的...
Tsinghua Successfully Held the Enrollmentfor International Exchange, Visiting, and Chinese Language Program Students 2024 2024年清华大学国际交换生、访问生、汉语进修生新生报到及入学教育顺利举行 金风玉露迎桃李,钟灵毓秀清华园 新学期伊始,我校迎来了50...
Tsinghua University Tsinghua University Tsinghua University, Beijing China (Mainland) +1 campus Request More DetailsShortlistCompare #20QS World University Rankings About Tsinghua University Students looking for great engineering and computer science programs need look no further than Tsinghua University in ...
Tsinghua is a dynamic global university renowned for its high quality teaching and research, and its spirit of social commitment. With an enduring dedication to excellence and innovation, Tsinghua is committed to inspiring future global leaders. The bright and aspiring students are taught by top expe...
清华大学的英文为什么是“Tsinghua”而非“Qinghua”?不光是清华大学,中国另一所顶尖学府——北京大学,它的英文也是“Peking University”而非“Beijing”。我们很熟悉的青岛啤酒就写作 “Tsingtao”要讲好这么翻译的原因,首先就要引入一个概念——“邮政式拼音”。我们日常使用的汉语拼音是1955-1957年由国家颁布的...
01、“清华大学”为什么是“Tsinghua University”? 其中缘由就得提到中文里的两大注音系统 邮政式拼音和汉语拼音 ① 我们日常使用的汉语拼音 是1955-1957年由国家颁布的汉字注音拉丁化方案 主要是用于汉语普通话读音的标注 对标英语就是“音标”式的存在