Recombinant form of human thyroidstimulating hormone (rhTSH). Used diagnostically for serum thyroglobulin testing. Clinical Use TSH levels are measured as part of a thyroid function test in patients suspected of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism as the simplest and most sensitive indicator. Primary hypot...
If the plasma TSH level is higher than the level of detection, TSH will bind to the colloidal gold-labeled dye conjugate to form TSH-dye complexes. These complexes are captured by the solid-phase chromogenic agent located in the test zone “T” on the membrane to form a pink ribbon. ...
1. Connect the specific antibodies and solid phase carriers to form immobilized antibodies. Wash out uncombined antibodies and impurities. Seal the rest binding sites with irrelevant proteins. 2. Join under test with immobilized antibodies for contact reaction. After a while, combine antigens in and...
@if test -f $@; then :; else \ rm -f scanner.c; \ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) scanner.c; \ fi scanner.o: scanner.c grammar.h $(CC) $(FULL_CFLAGS) -c scanner.c # # Generate the grammar.y file. # # Some Makes, e.g. AIX Make and Solaris Make, can't handle "...
All unlicensed programs are in demo mode with full functionality. We strongly encouraged testers to respect Simply Modbus and buy a license for the program after the tests. Test MODBUS RTU sensor TSH300/TST300 To test the functionality of MODBUS RTU sensor TSH300/TST300, without TCW210-TH ...
Units Test Condition COUT Output Capacitance 8 pF VOUT=GND CIN Input Capacitance 6 pF VIN=GND Note: 1. Test Conditions: TA = 25°C, F = 1MHz, Vcc = 3.0V. Figure 5-1 Maximum Overshoot Waveform Maximum Negative Overshoot Waveform Maximum Positive Overshoot Waveform VCC+0.5V 20ns 0V VCC...
To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription. Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect. This article does not have an abstract to display. To access this article, please choose from the options below Log In Email/Username: Password: Rememb...
Th e e x istence o f va rious polymo r ph ic form s of FSH has b een observe d by a numb e r o f i nve s t iga to rs an d the c urrent study foc ussed a t t e nt i on on the sex and age-dependent nature of this polymorphism in rats. Util iZing very small ...
616 DNA FINGERPRINTS TEST FOR FAMILY EFFECTS IN SALMON 617 If there is a significant genetic component to the incidence of jacks (or precocious parr), full-sib families within the population should differ in the incidence of precocious maturation. For example, consider the extreme case of ...
The deviation in the training and test cost functions after convergence is not vast; thus there is no indication of overfitting or underfitting. However, the learning curve does not give an indication of the impact of the residuals. Hence, error analysis in Table 5 indicates that outliers, due...