This is a brief summary of lab value interpretation and is not intended in any way to be comprehensive or replace any conversation of your results with your doctor. THYROID LAB VALUES A TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormoone) Test is performed to assess the activity of the thyroid gland. It invol...
The official normal range for TSH is between 0.4 mU/L and 4.5 mU/L.2However, many non-modifiable factors influence a person's TSH levels and dictate their "normal" value. These include variations by a person's biological sex or age and fluctuations that regularly occur during different seaso...
There is a gray area in those patients who have a TSH level higher than the upper limit of the reference range but less than 10. If the patient doesn't have overt hypothyroid symptoms, I discuss the findings with the patient but don't really feel eager to treat. I recommend checking th...
To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature, air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end. ...
Key words:TSH; Reference value range; Cord blood 新生儿脐带血TSH水平作为评估人群碘营养水平及碘缺乏病(IDD)防治效果的重要指标之一在国际上早已应用,我国在1997年和1999年的全国碘缺乏病监测中均采用了这一指标,但新生儿TSH水平与其他指标出现严重分离,反映出的碘缺乏状态相对比较严重。在我国碘缺乏病监测中采集的...
Normal range is taken as control. TOSOH bioscience - AIA 360 Auto analyzer With TOSOH bioscience T3, T4, TSH KitsResults: T3 P Value P<0.01, T4 P Value P<0.02, TSH P. Value P<0.001.Conclusion: T3 values lowered and it is significant in Hypothyroidism cases, T4 values are some what ...
TSH binding inhibiting immunoglobulin assays detect the broad range of TSHR antibodies but cannot differentiate between those with stimulating and blocking activity; bioassays can make this differentiation TSH binding inhibiting immunoglobulin assays are commercially available and, unlike bioassays, are easy to...
All assays performed in a similar range except for the bioassay. Fig. 3 Distribution of TRAb levels at diagnosis according to relapse status. Median and IQR values according to the figure are presented in the first two columns of Table 1 Full size image Cox proportional hazard regression ...
Pediatric patients with thyroid dyshormonogenesis (160 patients, Catalan CH neonatal screening program, confirmation TSH range: 18.4–100 mIU/L), were analyzed by a high-throughput gene panel. In vitro studies measuring the TSH-dependent cAMP–response–element activation were performed. Five ...
The higher the FT3 level, the higher the value for PON1 U/L_12 and the lower in the MDA µmol/L_12 range (Figure 1). In the case of inflammatory indicators, the relationship between CRP levels and positive symptoms was also investigated. The occurrence of two statistically significant ...