For data types regarding TSH levels, there were two low categories: the lower tertile of TSH levels within the normal range and TSH levels below the normal range. Likewise, there were two high categories: the upper tertile of TSH levels within the normal range and TSH levels above the ...
Serum TSH level in this study was not always measured at the same interval because of more frequent measurements in patients with high or low serum TSH levels and clinician preference. To avoid potential bias, we used ...
However, there are exceptions to these interpretations and variations as to what a "normal" TSH level is. This is because TSH levels can vary by age, male and female sex, and other factors. In the end, the results need to be interpreted alongside otherthyroid function teststo make the cor...
Leung:When you look at subclinical hypothyroidism, the situation of an isolated high TSH level in the setting of normal T4 levels, if the TSH level is mildly elevated in the 5-7 mIU/L range,there's a 60% chance that it will normalize within 6 months. Going back to Karen's point, a...
idothyronine (T3). Normal levels of TSH range from 0.4 to 4.0 mIU/L. TSH levels above 4.0 are considered high and result in a diagnosis of hypothyroidism.These high TSH levels occur when the pituitary produces more than normal amounts of TSH because the thyroid lags to produce T4 and T3...
与外周激素升高相关的TSH将正常或升高(a patient who has not taken his treatment for several weeks and who resumes it a few days at a double dose before the bioassay will have a normal or high TSH in relation to an elevate...
Studies of prolactin and TSH secretion by continuous infusion of small amounts of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) Prolactin and TSH responses to the continuous infusion of 25 to 750 ng/min of TRH were studied in 10 normal subjects and compared to standard TRH tests. Bo... NOEL GORDON ...
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone. Comparethyrotropin. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. ...
与外周激素升高相关的TSH将正常或升高(a patient who has not taken his treatment for several weeks and who resumes it a few days at a double dose before the bioassay will have a normal or high TSH in relation to an elevated peripheral hormone),这是由于与半衰期相关的TSH平衡惯性( the inertia ...