50 MAO TSE-TUNG Relations are still very bad between the government and the peo- ple, between the army and the people, and between officers and men, and here one observes estrangement instead of unity. This is a fundamental problem. Unless it is solved, victory is out of the question. ...
Sabiha Sultana et al [1] presented a paper on Preparation, morphology, and thermal and optical properties of thin films of ferric chloride/polyethylene oxide composites by solution cast technique. U. Sasikala et al [2] presented a paper on structural, electrical and parametric studies of PEO ...
o f boo k w ritin g its elf ,expres sin g his res pect to th e poli t e C hines e peo ple and th eir adm iratio n o f w i se me n.Ho w ev er 。w i th th e chan g e o f th e p o li ti cal s it u a- ...
(10)罗列:as a _tter of fact there are various beggars, such as disables, street artists it would be difficult to decide which peo 44、ple (11)i saw people sometime give money to beggars. they seem to care people, however, thats not true. (12)depends 2、hesitating devi _: (1)...
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