STEP 1:Connect a TSC printer with USB cable to your PC or laptop Turn on the TSC printer power switch. "A TSC printer is found" message will appear in Windows, asking you to install a new printer driver. If Windows does not prompt you, proceed with the install. Place the TSC software...
1.可能是你的打印机驱动程序还没有装好,你就把安装盘拿出来了,2.如果你的安装驱动盘还在光驱中,可能你的光盘有问题,光驱在中间读不到一些文件, 你把磁盘转动一下,也许会好的, 可以多转几个位置试试,你先看看,只要光盘能读出来,安装打印机驱动程序不是问题,安装中不会出现差文件的情况,...
“Printer Driver is not been specified"意思是“打印机驱动程序是不被指定”——建议重装打印机驱动!打印机的驱动不对,重新装一个正确的驱动程序424参考资料:234
Factory reset the printer following printer's manual, remove printer driver and install printer again using DriverWizard (C:\Seagull\DriverWizard). If driverwizard is not found, download the latest driver (7.3.7) and run.
Support multi platform(test on Windows,MacOs,Android); Tips ~On Windows, UseZadigto install the WinUSB driver for your printer~. ~On Windows, If you don't want to use Zadig, you can use dev branch(Use Win32 API)~. On Mac, Need to set the USB permissions of the project. ...
tsc-printer Star Here are 3 public repositories matching this topic... Language: All fintrace / tspl2-driver Star 77 Code Issues Pull requests Java client to communicate to label printers that support TSPL2 (by TSC) java printer tspl2-driver tspl2 tsc-printer Updated Sep 15...
这个是说打印机的驱动程序没有被指定(或者说是驱动找不到位置了)。 如果是标配软件就是软件跟驱动下载的版本不一致,软件需要下载中性版软件; 如果是第3方软件,则是软件搜索不到驱动。天津威博旭条码
Printer Driver Utility Manufacturer TSC How to Install a TSC DA220 Ethernet Tag Printer for Windows 10 --1. Download and run the driver installer using the following link:
Get the latest official TSC TTP-244 Pro printer drivers for Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, or 7. Update drivers using the largest database.
打印服务没启动吧!脱机时控制面板-管理工具-服务,找到print spooler这项,运行它就好用了!有