Therefore, the fluctuation in its performance is impossible to be avoided before expanding to considerable scale. Currently, TSC is a leading enterprise in Chinese marine industry, but it is still in the period of technology accumulation and client base cultivation. We believe that the company will...
Depending on the scoring system used, 19% (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HADS) to 43% (Symptom Checklist-90-Revised) of adults with TSC present elevated depression scores [54, 55]. A study identified HADS scores suggesting anxiety in 56% of adult individuals with TSC [54]. A ...
1920 period, California would have done just fine, as it in fact did. From this we derive a maxim: Large-scale immigration creates the illusion of its own indispensability. [emphases in original; one paragraph break added for readability] Finally, we come to Mr. Auster’s seminal 1990 wo...