exclude只是告诉Typescript这不是你的源代码,不要去转译和检查它。但是Typescript还是会去node_modules中查找第三方库的声明文件,这个行为也可以通过types或typesRoots选项配置。 如果不想让Typescript检查第三方库的声明文件,可以设置skipLibCheck 3回复2019-07-17 小被子: 额。我知道设置它能解决这个问题。我问的是...
{"compilerOptions": {"module":"system","noImplicitAny":true,"removeComments":true,"preserveConstEnums":true,"outFile":"../../built/local/tsc.js","sourceMap":true},"include": ["src/**/*"],"exclude": ["node_modules","**/*.spec.ts"] } With the case above, I'v tried some l...
"@tests/*": ["tests/*"] }, "lib": ["ES2021", "DOM", "DOM.Iterable"] }, "include": [ "src/**/*.js", "src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "src/**/*.vue", "env-override.d.ts" ], "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"] } ...
TypeScript Version: 1.8.7 1.8.0 1.7.5 Code { "exclude": ["node_modules"] } Expected behavior: Shouldn't build any .ts files in node_modules. Actual behavior: Builds files in node_modules. If target: es6 I get lots of SyntaxErrors in node.
https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#maxNodeModuleJsDepth is not good I think. For example, the explanation you have above is important: ... end up type checking a portion of your node_modules folder regardless of any include/exclude settings. In addition https://www.typescriptlang.org...
'/node_modules/@vue/language-server' local vue_language_server_path = '/path/to/@vue/language-server' local lspconfig = require('lspconfig') lspconfig.tsserver.setup { init_options = { plugins = { { name = '@vue/typescript-plugin', location = vue_language_server_path, languages = ...
bundle name hash-key generation is not environment independent Details Don't modify script nodes with text/html type Details Fix various windows bugs & tests Details Cross-platform deterministic asset ids Details allow empty string in meta Details fixed watch not working when NODE_ENV is production...
Use ts-node-dev instead. So, if you are, just like me, attempting to have the project starting with ts-node and this is failing because definitions in local d.ts files are not being recognized or because your declare global is not being recognized, then here's how I solved. Worki...
"exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"] } 加大内存后还是报内存异常 vue-tsc升级到最新版本也不行 Please provide a minimal reproduction. PS D:\sdlake-web> pnpm type-check sdlake@0.0.0 type-check D:\sdlake-web vue-tsc --noEmit --skipLibCheck ...