1:00pmWe go to the TSC clinic to meet with his neurologist. He shows off his recent tricks. He walks, he throws balls, he kicks balls. He says his one word often with much enthusiasm…GO! The dr asks where is the ball and he delightfully shows him he knows where that is. Porter ...
Ganaxolone口服混悬剂的适应症是TSC相关癫痫。 此药物由Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc./ 元羿生物科技(上海)有限公司/ Altasciences CDMO Philadelphia, LLC.生产并提出实验申请,[实验的目的] 主要目的:根据双盲期间可计数的主要终点癫痫发作b频率相对于基线a的变化,评估GNX相较于安慰剂作为TSC相关癫痫发作的添加治疗在儿...