Mountain missing? We can add it! Tsambagarav Climbing Notes Be the first to submit your climbing note! Please submit any useful information about climbing Tsambagarav that may be useful to other climbers. Consider things such as access and accommodation at the base of Tsambagarav, as well...
Tsambagarav Mountain National Park is home to the permanently snow-capped Tsambagarav Mountain, which straddles the border between Khovd and Bayan-Ölgii aimags in Mongolia. Despite its impressive altitude of 4,208 meters, Tsambagarav's summit is relatively accessible, offering a more approach...
The onset of Neoglaciation 6000 years ago in western Mongolia revealed by an ice core from the Tsambagarav mountain range. Quat. Sci. Rev. 69, 59e68.Herren, P. A., Eichler, A., Machguth, H., Papina, T., Tobler, L., Zapf, A., and Schwikowski, M.: The onset of Neo...
It is found that, at the maximum transgressive stage of the Little Ice Age, with 3D topography of mountain-glacial basins taken into account, the glaciation of the ridge covered 99.1 km2and the total volume of glaciers reached 4.72 km3. The subsequent climate changes during the postmaximum ...