Tsai-Wu 破壊基準(Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion)Tsai-Wu 基準は、複合異方性シェルの安全率を判断するために適用します。 この判定基準は、予測できる破壊の、全体のひずみエネルギー(せん断エネルギーと拡張エネルギーの両方)を考慮します。それは圧縮と引張りの破壊強さを区別するので、...
tsai-wu failure criterion基本解释 蔡-吴失效准则 分词解释 failure失败,不及格 criterion(批评、判断等的)标准,准则 猜你喜欢 disk boot failure硬盘启动失败 jolin tsai蔡依林 disk boot failure insert system disk authentication failure认证失败:指在进行身份验证时,由于提供的凭证无效或错误而无法通过验证的情况...
The Tsai-Wu failure criterion is a mathematical formula used to predict the failure of composite materials under complex loading conditions. It is named after its developers, Tsai and Wu, who introduced this criterion in 1971. The criterion is widely used in the field of engineering and materials...
Tsai–Wu CriterionOrthotropic damage modelEnergy regularizationPlane stress formulationThis paper presents a novel approach concerning the development of an orthotropic damage model for composite materials, based on the original plane stress Tsai-Wu failure criterion. In its original formulation, the Tsai-...
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360749263_Fully_Rationalised_Tsai-Wu_Failure_Criterion_for_Transversely_Isotropic_Materials [3] Shuguang Li, Elena Sitnikova, Yuning Liang, Abdul-Salam Kaddour,The Tsai-Wu failure criterion rationalised in the context of UD composites, Composites Part A: Appli...
In general terms, the Tsai-Wu criterion is (Tsai and Wu, 1971) (2.13)F1σ1+F2σ2+F3τ12+F4σ12+F5σ22+F6τ122+2F7σ1σ2=1 where (2.14)F1=1Xt+1Xc;F2=1Yt+1Yc;F3=0;F4=−1XtXc;F5=−1YtYc;F6=1S2;F7=12Yt1−F1+F2Yt−F4+F5Yt2 It is clear from the above ...
应用Tsai-Wu 准则以确定复合正交各向异性壳体的安全系数。 此准则为预测失败考虑总应变能(包括失真能和扩张能)。它比 Tsai-Hill 失败准则更常见,因为它区分压缩和张力失败强度。 对于2D 平面应力状态 (σ3= 0, τ13=0, τ23=0),Tsai-Wu 失败准则的表示如下: ...
The Tsai-Wu criterion predicts failure when the "Failure Index" in a laminates reaches 1. Tsai-Wu criterion is a specialization of the general quadratic failure criterion. It can be expressed in the form: Fiσi+Fijσiσj≤1 where : ij=1...6 and repeated indices indicate summation; Fi...
蔡-吴失效准则 蔡-吴失效准则(Tsai-Wu failure criterion)是1993年公布的力学名词。公布时间 1993年,经全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定发布。出处 《力学名词》第一版。