Tsai Ing-wen is a Taiwanese politcian. She served as President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), from 20 May, 2016 to 20 May, 2024. She has also been Minister of the Mainland Affairs Council, from 20 May, 2000 to 20 May, 2004, Vice Premier of the Republic of China, from 25 Jan...
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's recent sneaky visit to Taiwan to meet with Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen is yet another masquerade that severely endangers cross-strait ties and regional stability. Will Tsai Ing-wen's toxic legacy of "de-sinicization" lead to her demise? Is Taiwan's Democrat...
【蔡英文的政治算计 | Tsai Ing-wen está construyendo su legado venenoso en Taiwan】Tsai Ing-wen, la líder de la región china de Taiwan, extendió la alfombra roja a la presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos, Nancy Pelosi, a sabiendas de que tal acción socava las...
()4. Tsai Ing-wen,leader of Taiwan's main oppositionDemocratic Progressive Party, declared victory as she won more than56 percent of the vote in the 2016 presidential election.A. aB./C. theD. one 答案相关推荐 1()4. Tsai Ing-wen,leader of Taiwan's main oppositionDemocratic Progressive Pa...
Tsai Ing-wen 身份简介: 台湾地区领导人 中文名: 蔡英文 国籍: 中国 出生地: 中国台湾屏东县 出生日期: 1956年8月31日 太阳星座: 处女座 学历: 台湾大学本科 康奈尔大学硕士 英国伦敦政治经济学院博士 专业: 法律专业 主要作品 2011年《洋葱炒蛋到小英编导:蔡英文的人生滋味》 ...
After Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen met then-U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in April, Beijing again sanctioned Hsiao, prohibiting her and her family members from entering the mainland, while also barring financial investors and other institutions who have worked with Hsiao from working with...
Tsai Ing-wen a remporté en janvier une victoire écrasante face au Kuomintang (KMT), qui, sous l'égide du président sortant Ma Jing-jeou, avait opéré pendant huit ans un rapprochement spectaculaire avec Pékin. Mais les électeurs ont été nombreux à considérer que Ma Jing-jeou avait...
蔡英文的譯寫Tsai Ing-wen即是威妥瑪拼音(更正確的寫法為Ts'ai Ying-wen);馬英九的譯寫Ma Ying-jeow則是威妥瑪拼音與國語羅馬字混用後的結果(ma及ying與漢語拼音相同,僅jeou為國語羅馬字,-eow表示-iu之三聲)。你可以參考最早由我翻譯的維基百科條目〈台灣的中文羅馬拼音 〉。2012-01-06・創用CC BY...
Name: 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wenLocation: Taipei CityFollowers: 819978Bio: 中華民國第14任總統 President of the Republic of China (Taiwan)Tweets to this user: From @iingwen Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 8:03 pm This is my Hakka tutor, who teaches me to speak my father’s mother tongue & ...
Tsai Ing wen当局无耻到极点!还组国家队,打贿赂国际杯!台湾民众排队限量购口罩还买不到,还要用电饭锅蒸口罩反复使用,Tsai Ing wen 当局居然向欧美等富庶国家免费赠送1000万片口罩,意图达到分裂祖国破坏统一的丑恶政治目的!这种把台湾2300万人民的性命置之不顾,狂舔美帝asshole 的滔天罪行着重断子绝孙! O网页链接 ...