Want to add your known traveler number to your flight? Find airlines that accept TSA PreCheck and add your TSA PreCheck Number to your flight.
Using your “known traveler” number will likely earn you the TSA PreCheck logo on your boarding pass. And with that, you can enter the expedited TSA PreCheck line. Note that TSA uses unpredictable security measures, and having TSA PreCheck approval is...
Using your “known traveler” number will likely earn you the TSA PreCheck logo on your boarding pass. And with that, you can enter the expedited TSA PreCheck line. Note that TSA uses unpredictable security measures, and having TSA PreCheck approval is...
A Known Traveler Number (KTN) is issued to travelers when approved for TSA PreCheck. Learn where to find your KTN today.
Once approved, passengers will receive a Known Traveler Number (KTN) and will have the opportunity to utilizeTSA Pre✓™lanes at security checkpoints at 150 participating airports and on 11 major airlines: Air Canada, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Hawaiian Airlines, Jet...
Finding your KTN/PASS ID/DoD number If you’re enrolled in TSA PreCheck®, please visittsa.gov/precheckto find your KTN or refer to your notification letter. If you’re enrolled in Global Entry, NEXUS, or SENTRI, you should visit theTrusted Traveler Programswebsite to find your PASS ...
If you apply directly through TSA, you’ll receive a Known Traveler Number (KTN). If you’re registered with a CBP program, you’ll receive a 9-digit PASS ID, which is the same number for all CBP programs. Update your KTN or PASS ID in your AAdvantage®account before you travel so...
Find Membership Renew online or in-person up to six months before your TSA PreCheck® membership expires with your Known Traveler Number (KTN) or name, date of birth, and birth country. Complete Fill out the online form on your computer or smart mobile device. ...
Once you’ve completed the in-person appointment (assuming everything is in order with your background check), you’ll be notified. Then, you’ll receive yourKnown Traveler Number (KTN)and become eligible to use the TSA PreCheck security lanes. ...
How Do I Use My Known Traveler Number or KTN? Once you are approved for TSA PreCheck, you will receive your KTN by email. If you didn’t, or simply don’t remember, you canlook up your KTN. From here, you will want to add your KTN to all previous reservations and update your pr...