The weapon must be inside of a hard-sided, locked TSA Gun case Approved, and declared to your airline at check in. The locked container may be checked alone or be placed inside another checked bag. What states require medication to be in prescription bottles when flying?
Rules for Packing a Gun/Firearm for Air Travel If planning on flying with a gun/firearm, take a look at our must-read guide to TSA's rules forHow to Legally Pack a Gun for Airline Travel. It's really quite a simple process, but you must follow the TSA's rules for packing and dec...
When passing through security at the airport, a Minion fart gun…was seized from a young toddler and taken away. The security officers claimed it was a ‘threat’ and took the toy gun away from the child. Just in case you think a “fart gun” is too realistic and that a potential ter...
“One problem is it is really tough to measure value of a known security procedure. To illustrate what I mean by that, I will use metal detectors as an example — metal detectors can go years without detecting a gun. Why? Because people don’t even try to smuggle a gun past one. How...
If you try to carry on a gun, it won’t be confiscated with a smile. It will be confiscated with an FBI agent who will grill you within half an inch of your life. So you really can’t try again and again until you succeed in slipping it past the TSA....
have to be able to open it. So the TSA agents have a set of master keys that can open any bag if they need to look inside for some reason. If you put a non-TSA approved lock on the bag, that can make them a little angry, and you risk having your bag delayed or even cut ...
Years back around 2002 airport security in Europe found a long missing screwdriver in the depths of my laptop bag. They said I could not take it on board so I proceeded to separate the screwdriver into the handle and the bit. I then presented the question which part I could keep and whi...