A former Catholic priest removed over child sex abuse charges is now…a TSA supervisor in Philadelphia. As they say,afewbadappleswhoinnowayunderminethehardworkthatthousandsofmenandwomenattheTSAdotokeepussafe,day inand day out.
running San Francisco’s airport. A contract screener in San Fran moved through 65% more passengers than TSA employees in L.A. But only a handful of airports participate, as TSA chooses the security company and micromanages the contract. That isn’t a partnership. Congress could stipulate that...
Shortly after, the agency also announced that it was hiring full- and part-time TSA officers at the Denver International Airport. The TSA touted that the starting salary was $21.72 per hour and that new hires would receive $1,000 upon starting. Officers would then get an additional $1,000...
A Chicago aviation commissionertold the Chicago Tribunethat the lines at O'Hare International Airport were "severe" and that the city was pushing the TSA to shorten them. The uproar puts the TSA — created in the aftermath of 9/11 — in a tough spot: make sure no terrorists get on a p...
The agency and TSA jobs were created under the Aviation and Transportation Security Act. The TSA’s role is to communicate policies to travelers and assist in improving airport security among travelers. A large part of its efforts centers on recruiting and hiring to fill the jobs as the agency...